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Netflix chef: Fordele ved et buet tv

Niel Hunt, CTO Chief Technology Officer hos Netflix. Foto: Netflix
Niel Hunt, CTO Chief Technology Officer hos Netflix. Foto: Netflix


Skal det være et fladt eller et buet tv, og hvad er forskellen? Her giver Netflix tekniske chef sit bud.


Om tv’et skal være fladt eller buet er et emne der kan engagere læserne her på

Det er et emne vi tidligere har behandlet i artiklen “Baggrund: Fordele og ulemper ved buede tv“.

Den tekniske chef hos Netflix, Niel Hunt, er nu ude med betragtninger på Quora omkring de buede skærme.

For at undgå at fortolke hans ord har vi valgt ikke at oversætte. Så her under billedet følger hans forklaring på engelsk af hvad de buede tv – efter hans mening – gør for billedoplevelsen.


Flade kontra buede TV. Illustration: LG


What is the benefit to having a curved TV screen?

Af: Neil HuntNeil Hunt, Chief Product Officer, Netflix.

“A properly placed and sized TV covers about 33 degrees width of field of view (viewed from a distance of 3x the height of the screen).

Pixels are brightest viewed at right angles to the screen, and get dimmer (and the color more distorted) as the viewing angle gets larger.

With a flat screen, viewed from the center, the center pixel is viewed straight-on, but the leftmost pixel is viewed at an angle 16.5 degrees from normal (right angle), while the rightmost pixel is viewed at -16.5.

That’s an opportunity for differential brightness across the screen. A curved screen, with the proper radius, allows for all the pixels to be viewed straight on.

However, the big deal is when the TV is viewed by someone off to the side.

Perhaps the second person on the couch sits to the right of the sweet spot, so that their eyes are straight-on to the rightmost pixels of the screen, and about 33 degrees offset from the leftmost pixels of the screen.

A much bigger opportunity for differential brightness and color.

With a curved screen, the viewing angle is still approximately 16 degrees for every pixel on the screen. Not as bright as the viewer in the center, but much more consistent that viewing a flat screen TV”.


Se også: Baggrund: Fordele og ulemper ved buede tv.


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