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OnePlus 2: Invitationerne er tilbage



Tiden nærmer sig for OnePlus 2, og selvom den først præsenteres den 27. juli har firmaet bag i dag fortalt at det forhadte invitationssystem fra OnePlus 1 er tilbage, dog med mange forbedringer.


Smartphonen OnePlus 2 skal ligesom sin foregænger sælges via invitationer som man får fra venner og særlige lister.

OnePlus har dog lovet at de til den kommende launch af OnePlus 2 har væsentligt flere enheder klar. Faktisk 30-50 gange flere enheder. Men OnePlus er et lille firma, og selvom de har haft stor succes med OnePlus 1, har de ikke råd til at producere lige så mange enheder som f.eks. Apple og Samsung før en verdensomspændende launch.

Hvis man ikke kan få fat i en invitation, kan man hos OnePlus skrive sig op på en invitationsliste, og så sender OnePlus en invitation så snart der er en ledig. OnePlus vil dog sende ud til tidlige supportere fra deres forum først.

Når man så køber en OnePlus 2, får man ligesom sidste år nogle invitationer man kan dele med venner og bekendte på f.eks.

Her er hvad vi allerede ved om OnePlus 2.

Nedenfor kan i læse det blogindlæg som OnePlus har skrevet på deres blog.


More hardware companies have died from having too much inventory than from having too few sales. We’re in this for the long run, and we firmly believe that the long-term health of our business is far more important than growth.

Last year, we made a product that we were really confident about, but we didn’t know how people would react to it. We had no clue how many people would actually want to buy it and had the challenge of managing our cash flow and inventory risk. In addition, we didn’t agree that pre-orders or having products instantly becoming sold out was a great experience. Our solution to managing risk and user experience was the invite system.

Although most people understand and support us, we’ve also received some less-positive feedback. Some people thought it was too difficult and time consuming to obtain an invite or thought it was all some big marketing stunt. With the OnePlus 2, we’ve taken this feedback to heart and are introducing a few key improvements to the purchase experience. Here’s what we’re doing:

More confidence = more invites

With the OnePlus One, we did a bit better than we thought we would. This has made us more confident, and therefore we will have far more launch inventory than last time. We’re talking about 30-50x last year. This means that it will be significantly easier to get an invite from the very beginning.

Reservation list

For those who don’t have time to hang out on forums or social media, we’ll have a quick and painless reservation list. Simply enter your email and we’ll send you an invite as soon as they’re available. We’ll be prioritizing our early forum supporters here.

Faster sharables

After you purchase your OnePlus 2, you will receive invites to share with your friends, like last time. The difference here is that this time, the sharable invites will arrive much faster.

We hope you’re happy with these changes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We’re beyond excited to see your reactions on the OnePlus 2.

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